Thursday, April 18, 2013

Improving Site Conditions

 Establishing a new grade along the 6th tee will allow for a smoother transition when mowing along the tee and cart path.

After the initial grow in last fall there are areas on the new sixteenth fairway that need additional topsoil and seed.  Hand spreading topsoil is a slow process but it needs to be done this way to improve a smooth playing surface.
A gravel path is being put in along side the new comfort station.  The adjacent areas will be seeded to
natural grasses, giving the entire area a minimalistic look.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

New course renovations

Installing sod on a new tee deck in the rain is very taxing.  The grounds staff will be putting the finishing touches on holes #10-14-15-16 in the next few weeks.  Weather is always a determining factor on the success of any projects we do on the golf course.  It is my hope to open these four holes for play by mid to late May.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Green Covers

The fall of 2012 the 15th green was covered to protect the newly seeded green from dessication and cold temperatures.  This cover creates warmer temperatures under the blanket, helping to promote growth while air temperatures start to lower spring or fall and going dormant or coming out of dormancy.  By looking at the picture one can tell where the cover was positioned on the green.   That said covers can also be a hindrance, covers must be removed if temperatures rise above the mid 40s for just a few days in a row and put back on the green each time temperatures go below mid 30s.  I believe covers have their place but are not a panasea to having healthy greens every spring.